Evaluate your surf level

Surf level according to Natural Surf School

Before packing up to surf les Landes in South West France, be aware of your surf level and swell forecast for Seignosse and Hossegor, then on site observe, focus on the spot and paddle out !

What is your surf level : beginner, intermediate or expert?

Beginner surfer

First foam to Bronze wave (according to French Surfing Federation EFS standards)

Never surfed before or only once in a while. You can stand up on the board in the white waters but quickly fall. Lots of energy wasted while fighting against the waves to catch it rather than going along with it. The beginner surfer thinks it would be much easier with a short board without realizing that it would be the worst option to learn to surf. The leash is bothering you as well as the big board and catching a wave is more of a surprise. Because you are not comfortable with the board, you'd rather let it go away from you than holding it, which is quite dangerous. You didn't spend enough time in the water to master automatic safety moves. Soft boards are indeed highly recommended.

Book foam board

Intermediate surfer

Bronze to Silver wave (according to French Surfing Federation EFS standards)

You have been surfing for a few years at least twice a year for a week or two. Intermediate surfer is hooked and tries as much as possible to get some time off to go surfing. You have a certain knowledge about waves, can understand surfer's jargon and master some surfing techniques. You know about priority rules and respect at the line up. Regarding surf practice, you can change direction frontside and backside in consistent white waters at every try. You can control your board in any situation and are able to say what type of board you can surf. Also describe surf conditions of the day over the phone. Last but not least, you'd rather like to surf an evolutive board, catch waves and have fun than being a tea bag on a shortboard at the line up.

Rent evolutive board

Expert surfer

Golden wave (according to French Surfing Federation EFS standards)

Has been surfing for at least 10 years on a regular basis. Benefits of a broad surf culture. Surf travels took you to various surf spots to surf all types of waves (reef, beach and point breaks). Powerful hollow and quick waves are all good to enjoy surfing and challenge yourself. You are one with your surfboard and ride every wave in style and tune (placement, rhythm, breath and maneuvers). You can duck dive and kick off every wave. You can also have an expert conversation with a shaper, seek the "magic" board and know the dimensions of the ideal quiver.


To enjoy surfing at every step, be aware about your surf level

You can certainly identify yourself in one of the above surf levels. You now have two options: join a surf course at the Natural Surf School in Seignosse or choose the right surfboard and hire it to free surf Hossegor and Atlantic South West France surf breaks !

Surf lessons and courses
Equipment rentals